The Owner

Hi there! My name is Lauren Belk and I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Film, Television and Video Production From Webster University.
I specialize in costume design, with a focus in the fantasy genre. I began designing clothes at a very young age, but I never imagined I would be this close to turning it into my career. After years of watching movies and television shows, I became so enthralled with the beautiful dresses in various fantasy and period pieces, but they never seemed to be an option when I went shopping for a Halloween costume.
When I was about 10 or 11 years old, I finally decided I was tired of trying to find the costumes I wanted; I would make them myself. I didn't have any sewing experience at all; I didn't have a machine, or the tools to help me start learning. Without any of that, I focused on the breakdown of costumes, studying them and deconstructing them in hopes of discovering how they were put together.
Fast forward to the beginning of my high school journey: my school had a theatre program! They had a costume department! They were looking for people! I jumped at the opportunity, and when my parents saw my genuine dedication and ambition, they bought me my first sewing machine.
At 23 years old, I have moved on to my third machine; designed and built costumes for various high school productions; made and worn dozens of cosplays to conventions; and I have built a collection of costumes to go with a script I wrote for my senior overview at Webster.
With the launch of my business, beginning with alterations, I have officially joined the workforce. I can't wait to see Sewn Into Stories grow and turn into something even greater.
I hope you'll stick around and support me on this exciting journey!
The Name
The name Sewn Into Stories comes from the idea that a character's story goes beyond the words on a page; beyond their actions on a screen; beyond the dreams of their creators. The details of a costume give insight to who they are without the need for dialogue. With every stitch and piece of jewelry, a character comes more alive and adds the elements that elevate the world they occupy; their very essence becomes sewn into their story.
A certain quote sparked the idea for the foundation of what I hope Sewn Into Stories will become:
"Clothes make a statement.
Costumes tell a story."

~Mason Cooley
The Philosophy
I strive to meet and exceed the needs and expectations of my customers while continuing to learn, grow and adapt as a seamstress and costume designer.
The Future
Alterations are only the beginning of this small business. There is always room to expand and add to the catalog of services and products offered.